Monday, August 19, 2013

WTF! She knows her ABCs

Somehow Josie knows her ABCs.

It's absolutely horrible, but I'm not even sure where she learned them. These are bad habits to break.

Next thing you know she'll know how to spell and my life will forever be destroyed. I will never be allowed to plan a surprise trip to get I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M again and forget going to the P-L-A-Y-G-R-O-U-N-D.

Sure, it's entirely possible that my incessant singing of the little ditty drilled it into the ever-changing landscape of grey matter inside her noggin. Or it could have been any one of the LeapFrog toys she plays with in conjunction with the LeapFrog videos on Netflix she's obsessed with. It could even be my mad immersion techniques where I have forced my kids to go to the Y and have fun (I know! I'm such a bad parent) and the amazing childcare staff has given a push in the preschool education department. Someone should buy them cookies.

It could be all three of those things, and that's what I'm going to put my money on after a lengthy investigation because I think I deserve a little credit here.

A few weeks ago, we were in the midst of daily whatevers when I heard Josephine singing. I was all, "Oh, that's nice. She's singing! This is new!" It didn't hit me until she got to, "Now I know my ABCs ..." that she knew the entire alphabet and didn't miss a single letter.

Suffice it to say, I was a little shocked, curious even, to know where she had picked up such language when we hadn't consistently been working on any sort of preschool readiness. Prior to the ABC discovery, the last time I sang the song to her she had, in not so many words, told me to take a hike off the XYZ pier and never look back.

Following the ABC revelation, I put the Bean in the interrogation room (aka the bathtub) and grilled her for information. This kid is good, I tell you. She refused to crack under pressure and we're still up in the air about where she learned this stuff, so the investigation seems to have come to a standstill. It's an unsolved mystery of epic proportions.

Now we just need to find the culprit in the 123 department because it appears she's picked up a counting habit as well ... all the way to 10 or 11. Sometimes, she attempts going all the way to "five-teen."

Mind blowing what kids will try to get away with these days.

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