Beneath the surface

In my previous life, I was a workaholic reporter/editor for smallish newspapers - first a daily, and then a few weeklies. I was passionate about telling everyone's stories and failed to see the stories about me that could be told with just as much passion.

Then I gave birth.

And my kids have pretty much consumed every moment of my life since then while feeding off my soul. In a good way. In the process of raising them, I've taken some time to find my own voice and reconnect with myself.

I try to keep things lighthearted in here, but let's face it, parenting isn't all fun moments that are Pinterest worthy and I do get a little deep from time to time. So deep, in fact, I often find myself wishing there was a glass of bourbon in my hand. Wine will usually suffice.

Find me on Twitter (@slipperynkdbaby) where I occasionally post something totally rad, or maybe just plain ridiculous. Connect with me there, leave a comment here or drop me an email. Either way, I'll try to entertain you to the best of my ability.

Thanks for giving me a chance to rock your world,

- Miranda
Mama to two slippery, often naked, former babies

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