Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A toast to you ... and me

Welcome, 2014. I guarantee I have some good things in store for you this year.

Less nervous breakdown, more deep breaths.

Less self hatred, more devotion - to myself, my children, my husband.

Less grieving things I cannot change, more grasping what the future holds.

2014, you better man up because I'm about to rock your world.

As a family we ended the year with a whirlwind four Christmases, out-of-town guests that I adore (including two of the most adorable little girls on the planet other than my own) and celebrating New Year's Eve with a trip to the mall where we let the kids get out all their pent up winter energy in the soft play area with about 20 other children, a trip to the grocery store and story filled snuggles at bedtime.

The Boy and I rang in 2014 in high fashion once the girls were settled - we had a beer, a bag of M&Ms, watched "Burn Notice" on Netflix and kissed at midnight ... standing in the bathroom brushing our teeth before crawling into bed.

Even before the babies came along, NYE had become just another night. Albeit a night to drink heavily and kiss merrily, but still just another night. Being married with children now, I'd rather stay home, have a few beers and make out with my Boy in our basement than take chances by hitting the bars or heading to the city.

(This all sounded way cooler in my head)

I had every intention to give those who take the time to read about me, my life and the crazy things Charlie and Josie are up to a brief and beautifully written sendoff for 2013, but I was busy. I admit, there are a lot of times I just disappear from blogging for a week or two with no explanation. Yes, as a serious writer I should post on a regular basis (I know this might help draw people to read more, maybe I'd even get a few more followers added to the four I currently have), but sometimes there are more important things going on and not enough hours in the day to also give my attention here.

I hope to change that. I wrote 52 posts for you - well, more so for me than anything - in the last 12 months. I've covered a lot of topics, from my therapy with a psychic to my VBAC to gardening and composting to breastfeeding to how awesome oatmeal is. And to think, I started this blog to keep my writing valid.

Let's face reality; I'm an unemployed journalist with a master's degree who made the choice to be a stay-at-home parent and now I write this and dabble in some freelance editing to help fellow writers. I kind of suck in that respect, but man my kids think it's awesome I'm home with them and they can stay in their jammies all day if they want to.

But, I think this here turned into more than I anticipated. It has kept my writing valid; I figured I would write about my kids and the shittiness that can sometimes be the role of "parent" and what happened instead was I got smarter. I read things and write things now I wouldn't have before. Not openly. Not for an audience. I often share parts of my soul that normally would be reserved for some juvenile diary straight out of the Lisa Frank catalog of adolescent memories I have, complete with chintzy little padlock. Instead, I opt to share those thoughts and feelings with you. It's not exactly groundbreaking, but when you're more likely to lock things inside ... well, no, I guess it is groundbreaking on a personal level. Don't you think?

So, here is to a fresh start for 2014, to baring my soul and giving myself a regular reality check. I'm sure there will be some crafty things, more of my thoughts on how my kids behave, likely a lot of talk about baby fever ... but the one thing that will not lack is honesty.

I encourage those of you who read to leave me comments here, on Facebook and on Twitter (@SlipperyNkdBaby). Feel free to email me. Hell, if you know me personally call or text. I may have a lot to say no matter what, but when I know you're really reading and really wanting more from me it takes it to a whole new level. There is nothing harder for me as a writer than to get absolutely no feedback. I starve. Creativity shrivels up. It takes a lot to get back on that horse instead of just kicking it to death.

Here's what you can do if you love me. Send me topics, send me links to news pieces you think I should voice an opinion about, tell me about a product I should try, a recipe to make, a book to read, whatever, and I'll try to write about it. I don't want this space to be just about me and my everyday life. While there are a lot of days that are very exciting between the pantsless children and various battles with torture devices (ie: stepping on LEGOs), sometimes that stuff is just plain boring to write about and I need some good fodder to get the juices flowing. Feed me.

I hope you all had a fabulous New Year's Eve and have kicked off 2014 on the best foot you can.

Here's to us.


  1. I've always enjoyed reading what you write. You a very smart woman Randy, and I've always admired this about you. I will do my best to better communicate my interest in you and your life and try better to share things I think you might enjoy. I completely understand needing interaction to better fuel the fire from within. Keep up the great work, and I hope others that read your blog will participate as well.

    1. Thanks so much Rachel! I look forward to having readers interact. For the last several months I've felt like I'm just sitting here talking to myself. I get giddy when people actually post a comment. lol Can't wait to read what you have to share. <3

  2. Beautiful as ever, Miranda! Here's to 2014 and a visit (hopefully) soon!

    1. We definitely need a visit soon! I wish we'd planned something for over the new year, but time got away from me with all the craziness here.

  3. How bout something about the different non-traditional marriages there are nowadays. I read somewhere that more and more wives are the main bread winners in the family these days. While stay-at-home moms are in the mix yet, there is really a variety of ways couples set up households nowadays. Pros? Cons? Discuss...

    1. I'm in love with the SAHD concept. For so long it's been seen as the mother who stays home - either both parents work and kids go to daycare or mom's at home, and there's definitely been a shift in that. Dads stepping up to the plate more and taking on that caregiver role is probably one of the better things for children than the alternative; mom being the breadwinner isn't a bad thing, either. There are a lot of career moms out there who choose to have a career before they have their children and so many are in a position of ladder climbing that it just plain makes sense for dad to hang with the kids and handle those at home tasks. I've googled to find articles related to the change because when I read your comment I remembered seeing something posted recently about there being more SAHDs these days than before. I like that dads are finally being recognized more in mainstream media; for all they do, they more than deserve the recognition. I'm going to do some reading on the subject and will probably write on it this week.

      As for other non-traditional marriages, can you elaborate? When I think "non-traditional" my head automatically turns to gay couples, which I assume is what you mean. I've been wanting to write about the legislation passing throughout the country regarding marriage equality, so this may be a way for me to discuss.
