Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In a diaperless society





I should be packing up clothes, taking drawers out of emptied dressers, figuring out if that box of papers can be burned or if we need that stuff and making a grocery list of foods to fill my new, heart-stopping awesome refrigerator with because I'm so in love with it and feel it deserves more gifts that a pack of Juicy Juice juice boxes. Poor thing probably feels neglected being all the way over there without anything to chill and freeze yet. Soon, sweet machine, soon.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The preschool (non)dilemma

It's really taking its toll on me this morning. I just need to know. Am I a shitty mom for not sending Josie to preschool?

Please tell me, I'm not the only one with a 3-year-old who's just chilling out watching Dinosaur Train while she has her morning quota of milk and after-breakfast snacks. I'm only panicking over this because I feel like most of my social network feeds are filled with pictures of kids going off to first days of preschool - they're all dressed up cute and have little backpacks and fancy shoes.

And my kid is curled up in jammies still at 10 a.m. while Dr. Scott talks about the stegosaurus and the Pteranodon family goes on another adventure.

We have our reasons for not doing preschool this year, and possibly not doing it next year either when she'll be 4, and like us everyone chooses to send a child to preschool or not for their own reasons.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tooth Fairy: On strike

Since when does the Tooth Fairy recognize inflation in her payouts? All these years (all three my oldest has been alive) I thought she was more like the newspaper industry - constant wage freeze or in a state of furlough.

That's apparently not the case and the good ol' Associated Press showed me the truth with this gem they posted Aug. 30. (I was going to write about this on Friday, but was too busy worrying about my kids acting like kids to focus on something way above my grade level).

Nearly $4 a tooth? I remember being thrilled beyond my wildest dreams when I found a dollar once for a lost molar. A MOLAR! Here I've very honestly been figuring about $.50 per tooth when we start popping them out of our kids' heads like Pez candy ... This Tooth Fairy, though, is ready to hang up her wings over this newest report.