Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Compost this! And that. And everything else.

Why, yes, I am sitting down with my feet up, drinking a mug of tea and kind of watching Camp Rock.

The house is a disaster and has been in a constant state of disarray for  nearly two weeks.

Tonight, I'm giving myself permission to not let it put me in a bad mood. The husband is off at some nerdy computer geek thing for the evening so it was me, my girls and the bad dog — she's been stripped of good dog status for the night because she stole food from the kids and then ate hard boiled eggs off my plate while I was away from the table during dinner.

After pissing and moaning about the dog and throwing a tantrum because the kids splashed half the bath water onto the floor, I said the hell with it. If I had any energy left, I would get off the couch and reward myself with a bottle of wine ... maybe even a glass to go with it. Maybe.

You see, I was productive for the first time in at least a week, and it feels good to sit down and really think about what I got done.

It started with dragging my butt out of bed, making breakfast for the kids, washing up some dishes, unloading the dishwasher, shaving my legs and heading to the gym. After listening to one too many mellow songs on the Jack Johnson Pandora station, I switched over to Ke$ha and really got moving.

Finished being a YMCA badass, changed, dropped a couple Avon catalogs in the locker room in hopes someone will want to order something, picked the girls up from their respective playrooms and headed for home where one baby slept and the other devoured some grilled cheese, black olives and yogurt. I started dinner and realized just how thankful I am for my giant collection of slow cookers in various sizes.

The Goober woke up and ate some random bits of food. Josie went from being in an amazing mood to miserable in the time it took me to get Charlie down the stairs. Welcome home, toddler jealous streak! I've been wondering where you wandered off to.

Don't get me wrong, Josephine adores her baby sister. But — there's always a "but" — there are a lot of times lately when Josie misses out on that precious mommy time because Charlotte needs my attention, too. I adore both my girls, but there are times when I really miss it being just me and Josie. I think that feeling is in part because she was still so young when her sister came along that we didn't get to do too much alone before the baby arrived.

These days I try to find time for just me and my Bean.

Last weekend we did just that. Sunday started with a rush out the door to get to church, then we stayed for coffee hours (we rarely leave after one hour ... ) and a lot of visiting. Now, as anyone who has paid attention to this writing project of mine knows, I'm trying to find a more natural approach to how we live here. After the last month of throwing veggie peels and whatnot into a bucket in my kitchen, Josie and I bought a composter. There was a coupon for a Keter compost unit through our local wholesale club and I couldn't pass up the chance to 1) save money and 2) save money on something I really wanted.

That box has sat in the dining room, in the way, since I dragged it into the house four days ago. It's been doing nothing but pissing me off because I have to move it to do anything in that half of the room. Putting it together has been on the mental "to do" list and today HAD TO BE the day.

It's the official first day of spring, so I had to celebrate in fashion, you know, since we got hit with snow yesterday and I now can't see my hyacinths popping up out back. *imagine my angry face*

This thing — the composter — basically snapped together without too much effort and Josie helped put the screws in where they were needed. It wasn't until I had it put together in the house that I realized I never measured the doors to make sure I could get the unit out. Whoops. Luckily for us, it fit and was light enough I could carry it outside by myself.

In my excitement, I grabbed the bucket from the kitchen and lugged the 20 or so pounds of decomposing fruits and veggies out to the back porch and promptly tipped in into the composter. My vomit nearly followed.

Lesson learned: the bucket is going to need to be dumped at least once a week from here on out. And I'm going to be making a trip over to the farmer's co-op to see what they have that I can add to help aid the breakdown, like sawdust or the squashed dreams of little children. No, I don't want to be a dream killer, but at some point every child will have at least one dream that doesn't come to fruition and it would kind of awesome if we could put those to use.

It feels like the kids and I were busy all day though part of me feels like I didn't get nearly as much done as I thought I had. The itch to get up and go fold things and scrub something is sneaking back in, but apparently I'm tired.

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